Stew II


Quickly becoming a custom order crowd favorite, finally we said alright lets make it a model.

Designed and refined with the help of riders Stewart Schenk and Will Ashmore, this little step-down shortboard quickly became everyones go to board in waves head high and below.

Biggest question we get is what is the difference between this model and the Jordy model?

Answer: We moved the wide point a little bit up pass center to put a little more foam under your chest for paddling and front foot for pumping.  This allows you to ride the board shorter than your standard shortboard.  This board also has a slightly wider nose profile than the Jordy model and little less nose rocker to increase paddle and down the line drive.

For performance surfers, this board will fit nicely in your quiver. It grovels a little bit better than the Jordy due to the flatter nose entry, and caters towards riders of more neutral / front foot stances.

This board comes standard as a rounded squash, but also would be sick as a swallow or round tail.

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Stock Sizes

5'5 x 18.75 x 2.25
5'7 x 19 x 2.25
5'9 x 19.25 x 2.375
5'11 x 19.5 x 2.5
6'1 x 19.75 x 2.625
6'3 x 20 x 2.75